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Act I Chapter IV


KRANYON: Holy shit, 900??

DR. BROWN: Yes. They are centuries old, and are sealed into the ground using an unbreakable spell. Only one unique entity per weapon is capable of taking them out, and we have no idea who they are.

DR. BROWN: In fact no one has been able to take them out, let alone undo the magic. The bearer who sealed them belonged to a time period before the Reform and used magic we cannot now decipher.

ATOM: But why us?

DR. BROWN: I searched for you sixteen because those weapons possibly belonged to your ancestors.

DR. BROWN: Not your parents, but parallels who were like you, and they grew up and lived their different lives over the period of the Reform.

DR. BROWN: In fact I’m pretty sure they had no parents either.

DR. BROWN: As fate would have it, it is actually speculated that every single person alive today has had an ancestor, and those ancestors had ancestors of their own, and on and on.

NEXUS: oh damn

NEXUS: but how would you know we are reincarnations of them?

DR. BROWN: Reincarnation as a word is a little misleading. I personally believe there is no such higher power reigning over this world.

He would be so very wrong.

DR. BROWN: Of course, feel free to have your own opinions. Judging would be so very wrong.

DR. BROWN: I had been searching for pre-Reform manuscripts documenting the history that transpired, since most common sources were destroyed or obfuscated by Reform authorities.

DR. BROWN: After a long time I finally found a book detailing pre-Reform events, carried down through generations of successors and entrusted to only the most reserved of all people.

DR. BROWN: In fact I have strong reason to suspect that Moran’s ancestor is its author.


ARWEN: What??

ATOM: Sheesh.

MORAN: oh shit really

DR. BROWN: Heh. Must be a weird feeling.

MORAN: oh it sure as hell is. man.

DR. BROWN: You know what, I’ll give it to you after we finish the experiment. It would be great to have the book come full circle.

MORAN: wow, thanks doctor.

DR. BROWN: Just like, please don’t leak its contents. There are some pretty politically controversial topics in there.

DR. BROWN: Anyway, not to spoil the book, but it recounts a war that took place between pre-Reform authorities and a powerful group of rebels.

DR. BROWN: If it were to be believed, your ancestors would play a pivotal role from both sides in all these events, from pre-war to post-Reform over a time period spanning about 30 years.

NEXUS: woah so we were all big shots back then huh

NEFFERIN: heheh, main characters

DR. BROWN: The whole story is a rather interesting one for sure, I’ll give you that.

GALINDA: Heh. I always knew I would be famous in one world or another

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