Act I Chapter III
DR. BROWN: All sentient beings, whether having the potential for magic or not, have the possibility of magical powers to some extent, pertaining to two of 10 aspects.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of space controls the physical position and of things, allowing for powers such as telekinesis, teleportation and portal creation.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of time controls the flow of time specific to things, including speeding up or slowing down time, or time travel.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of matter controls the physical properties of an object, such as its composition, state or size.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of air controls the air in and around objects. This is usually a defensive aspect.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of sound controls not just actual sound, but also the vibrations around or through objects, gaining the ability to amplify or to diminish them.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of mind controls the thoughts and minds of others, from simply reading another’s thoughts to even mind control.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of soul controls the emotions of others, thus having an indirect (but powerful) influence on another’s actions.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of life controls the life energy within others, similar to reapers’ abilities but more extensive and efficient, to the extent of nearly instant healing.
DR. BROWN: The aspect of heat controls the heat energy within objects, making it colder or hotter. Skilled users of this aspect are even able to conjure fire and/or ice from thin air.
DR. BROWN: And lastly, the aspect of light deals with light energy, being able to shape it into a much more concentrated and intense beam. Competent users of this aspect can even steal the light from a place, making it darker!