Act II Chapter II
RESCIPI: but intermittently, i felt my fellow ancestors reaching out to me from somewhere. like they were in some otherworldly area i couldn’t reach.
RESCIPI: i was heartened, at last i had the company i wanted.
RESCIPI: but they had forgotten me for too long.
RESCIPI: and so in my heart i hatched a plan for revenge.
RESCIPI: i waited for you.
RESCIPI: so that when the time was ripe i would wreak havoc on the descendants of which i despised.
AURORA: Wait, what??
AURORA: Also why did you have to wait for me to do that?
RESCIPI: did you know, inside of every one of your friends, there’s a trace of their ancestors too?
RESCIPI: whispering to them in the direction they see fit.
AURORA: Like we’re doing now?
RESCIPI: i can only manifest in bodily form when your mind is unconscious.
RESCIPI: okay, look.
RESCIPI: my reason for being here is simple.
RESCIPI: i’m training you to be a weapon against your friends. so your ancestors can feel the pain and suffering they rightly deserve.
RESCIPI: after i’ve enacted my revenge, i’ll leave you all alone. i’ll ascend to whatever place the rest of them are.
RESCIPI: but i can’t take over your body unless you willingly give it up for me.