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Act II Chapter II

Rescipi: Talk. ==>

RESCIPI: ugh. let’s begin with my story, shall we?

Rescipi feels the need to sit down. She beckons Aurora to come closer.

Time for storytime, folks.

RESCIPI: i, along with the majority of your friends’ ancestors, was born approximately 9 centuries ago, back when they standardised all names to be 7 letters long.

AURORA: Whoa, wasn’t that when they discovered electricity?

RESCIPI: well we knew that it existed, but it was never separable from magical energy until we discovered we could generate an electric current using magnetism.

RESCIPI: but yes, truly a time of innovation. new inventions and brilliant minds appeared everywhere in their hundreds.

RESCIPI: and we ghosts could finally go out for coffee after sunset without needing a light-bearer with you at all times.


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