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Act II Chapter I


ATOM: Hey, uh.

ATOM: Fefera, was it?

FENFERRA: It’s Fenferra.

FENFERRA: And what on earth happened to the lab?

FENFERRA: Half the ceiling collapsed!

FENFERRA: Ouch, my neck stings…

MORAN: oh man, you got cut too

MORAN: isn’t that like, really painful?

FENFERRA: Seems like it didn’t hit any major arteries. Just a flesh wound.

FENFERRA: Thanks, I was just about to touch it.

FENFERRA: Everyone knows touching an open wound on purpose makes it sting more.

ATOM: Seriously?

FENFERRA: I know some first aid.

MORAN: we were all knocked out, so i assume the experiment went horribly wrong

MORAN: and apparently now doctor brown and all other sentient life i could find is dead


FENFERRA: Aww, I liked the guy.

FENFERRA: He had such a welcoming personality.

ATOM: Nah, I didn’t like him.

ATOM: Gave off a creepy vibe.

FENFERRA: What? No, he was nice—

ARWEN: Moran!

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