Act I Chapter IV
Kranyon, a mind-air bearer, with his sickles.
Adelphi, a heat-matter bearer, with her axes.
(Ugh, two at a time is gonna take too long, we're going to run out of panel budget. Let’s speed it up a notch, and probably make the art a little better-looking while we’re at it.)
Cassiopeia, a space-life bearer, with her staff.
Atom, a matter-mind bearer, with his sledgehammer.
Nexus, a mind-time bearer, with her needle.
Arwen, a matter-sound bearer, with his psychic goggles.
Moran, a sound-air bearer, with his shield.
Galinda, a soul-heat bearer, with her whip.
Samsara, a mind-space bearer, with her knives.
Zenith, an air-soul bearer, with his sniper rifle.
Nefferin, a time-space bearer, with his katana.
Aurora, a light-life bearer, with her double-bladed sword.
Onnyx, a sound-light bearer, with his gauntlets.
Tenebris, a time-light bearer, with her scythe.
Candell, a light-heat bearer, with his crossbow.
And lastly, Fenferra, a life-soul bearer, with her spear.
It will take them a bit of time to recover from this. Some more than others.
But one thing is for certain:
This is the end of their beginning.
Oh, is that an earthquake I hear?