Act I Chapter III
The aspect of LIFE controls the life energy within others, similar to reapers’ abilities but more extensive and-
-efficient, to the extent of-
NEFFERIN: -to the extent of nearly ins-
NEFFERIN: oh my god, what is this cruel joke.
NEFFERIN: i am trying to read this shit out loud for once in my academic journey. and this happens.
SAMSARA: indeed, life works in mysterious ways.
GALINDA: Give it ten more seconds
GALINDA: Maybe thirty
--to the extent of nearly instant healing.
“Life-bearers are probably some of the most intrinsically motivated people you will meet. While soul-bearers are directed outward, life-bearers naturally focus their own energy onto themselves. As such, when a situation calls for it, they can show extreme persistence and dedication, powering through even the toughest of obstacles. However, with so much attention directed at themselves, they rarely have much reason to reveal themselves to others. People who do not make attempts to intimately know a life-bearer may judge them to be shy at best, and even uncaring or unappreciative of their friendship. Although this judgement is likely wrong, it also results in life-bearers only ever having a few close friends at a time. Get to know a life-bearer, and they are intimate, quirky and determined. But from a distance, they may seem reclusive, socially awkward or unwelcoming.”
AURORA: Well, I’m a life-minor.
FENFERRA: Heh, I’m a major.
AURORA: Ooh, that’s great.
AURORA: That means I don’t have to do the work! Heh.
FENFERRA: Sure, I’d be happy to take that burden off your shoulders.
FENFERRA: And place it on this guy instead.
CANDELL: Oh wait no please not again-
CANDELL: Wait… ugh… Oh no you didn’t…
CANDELL: Uuuugh…
He lies down and gradually falls asleep.
SAMSARA: oh man, what did you do to him?
FENFERRA: I just sucked a whole bunch of life energy from his system.
FENFERRA: The feeling is a little like trying to stay awake when you’re about to fall asleep.
FENFERRA: Deprived.
She jolts the essence straight back into him and he sits up with a yelp.
CANDELL: OH MAN Oh boy what did I miss.
CASSIOPEIA: you actually blacked out from that?
CANDELL: Yeah, for a while. She’s been doing that to me for years now. I can recover pretty quickly from it.
CASSIOPEIA: oh hot damn
FENFERRA: Pretty killer, if I do say so myself. ;)
CANDELL: How long was I out for?
FENFERRA: A good 3 minutes. We were discussing about you while you were taking a short nap.
CANDELL: You were??
TENEBRIS: uh yeah we were lol
TENEBRIS: your friend here spilled some beans about you.
TENEBRIS: all the beans, in fact.
CANDELL: Do I want to know what that entails?
TENEBRIS: trust me, it was all harmless info.
TENEBRIS: don’t worry brother hehe it’s all good ;)
CANDELL: Oh god.