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Act I Chapter III


The aspect of AIR controls the air around objects. This is usually a defensive aspect, being able to influence wind and even trapped gases in liquids, such as in the ocean.

“Air-bearers seem the most adaptable of people. They usually appear carefree, but actually harbour a careful and selective mind. They see many paths leading into the future, some clearer than others, and try to pick and choose which ones will ultimately lead them to their goals. However, this multitude of choices leads them to overthink a lot of situations. Air-bearers will simply not accept suffocation: that sometimes, there is only a single way to do certain things. To them, there will always be alternatives in order to maintain their availability of choice, because to them, freedom is power. As such they are the most likely to epitomise their own struggle for freedom. Air-bearers are free-spirited, meticulous and cautious. But they can also be indecisive, excessive or insecure of their own decisions.”

MORAN: anyone else an air-bearer here? i know it's one of the rarer aspects heh.

KRANYON: I’m an air minor.

ZENITH: Oh my major is air

MORAN: oh cool

MORAN: care to demonstrate?

ZENITH: Ehhh I don’t know

ZENITH: Air is more of an AOE kind of thing you know?

MORAN: aoe?

ARWEN: Area Of Effect, fool. This is what happens when you don’t play video games.

MORAN: wow

MORAN: point taken zenith


ZENITH: Anyway I can sort of lift myself off the ground?

ZENITH: Not flying just yet, though

He gets up.

ZENITH: Look ma, no hands

GALINDA: Damn. Look at this fella

KRANYON: Heh, weird flex but okay.

NEXUS: pshhhh

NEXUS: tried to do that once on the fitness test but they wouldn’t allow me to use psychics.


ZENITH: They didn’t allow air powers either

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