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Act I Chapter II


CASSIOPEIA: hey you two, wanna meet in the common room?

CASSIOPEIA: tonight i mean.

NEFFERIN: hm sure cassie

ABIGAILE: yeah, im up for it.

NEFFERIN: actually could i call you cass

NEFFERIN: instead of cassie

NEFFERIN: cassie sounds kinda weird

CASSIOPEIA: …but it’s literally one syllable less

CASSIOPEIA: eh sure go ahead.

NEFFERIN: maybe we could even organise like some study sessions or something once actual term kicks in

CASSIOPEIA: yeah why not

CASSIOPEIA: definitely would be a fun idea!

ABIGAILE: well we could play board games until 2am.

NEFFERIN: thats sort of late isnt it

ABIGAILE: heh whats the problem. scared of the dark?

NEFFERIN: dont you get tired too by then, though.

ABIGAILE: what are you, my caretaker.


NEFFERIN: not in a thousand years

ABIGAILE: hm maybe lycanthropes were always a nocturnal subspecies.

CASSIOPEIA: man y'all undeads really living the life

CASSIOPEIA: i sleep by 11

NEFFERIN: ehh at least theres health benefits to sleeping early

NEFFERIN: most of the people in block gamma arent nocturnal anyway.

ABIGAILE: nah, i know a few.

ABIGAILE: they just spend the night holed up in their rooms.

<== After a while… ==>