Act I Chapter II+
Not one, but two girls unceremoniously step into the isle. They’re both identical in appearance, which includes the snickering and giggling they’re currently doing.
???????????: (Oh man.)
???????????: (we got you pretty bad)
NEXUS: you really had me spooked out there for a while
NEXUS: looks like we don’t get psychic stranger interactions very often.
???????????: Couldn’t agree more. We’re not that strong, though.
???????????: we’re just twins with a mind aspect link. so at least we can communicate/p>
NEXUS: works anyway, heh
NAPHTHALINE: My name is Naphthaline Violet.
NAPHTHAELLA: i’m naphthaella
NAPHTHAELLA: yes, the ‘a’ in ‘ae’ is silent
NAPHTHALINE: We’re always stronger together.
NAPHTHALINE: At pranking, especially!
ADELPHI: Could someone explain what’s going on right now??
KRANYON: I would like an explanation too, please.
NAPHTHALINE: It’s always fun to meet someone for the first time~
NAPHTHAELLA: ~and make them think we’re some sort of spooky psychic twins,~
NAPHTHALINE: ~Completing each other’s sentences and trivial stuff like that.
NAPHTHAELLA: which, don’t get us wrong~
NAPHTHALINE: ~We can be spooky if we want.
NAPHTHALINE: As seen from that nice little demonstration just now.
NAPHTHAELLA: ya’ll just got.
TWINS: Pranked