A girl bursts through the open classroom door with unnatural speed. She is short, wearing a miniskirt and a shirt with a two-piece design that manages to cover her arms twice but reveal a little of her torso. Probably not the most optimal attire to run in.
ARWEN: Dang, look at her.
MORAN: please, the day hasn’t even begun yet. curb your enthusiasm.
??????? takes a few moments to regain her composure (unsuccessfully) and walks right over next to Moran as per the seating arrangement pasted onto the wall.
MORAN: oh, you’re the number 8.
MORAN: galinda, did i pronounce that correctly?
GALINDA: *huff* Not perfectly, but thats perfectly fine
GALINDA: Seems like the three of us are seated here together
GALINDA: Greenblood buddies, eh?
MORAN: greenblood buddies it is.
ARWEN: You look like you had trouble getting here?
GALINDA: Not really, there were a bunch of clues and signs everywhere I could follow
GALINDA: I was so scared I was gonna be late! I overslept.
ARWEN: Yikes. Well at least you found where you needed to go.
GALINDA: Has class started yet?
ARWEN: I don’t think so. The computer is on standby mode right now.
MORAN: yeah, the 12 of us were just vibing in the classroom
MORAN: 13 with you now, actually.
GALINDA: Thats great! Vibing is definitely something right up my alley
MORAN: hmm, that’s cool. maybe you want to do some self-introduction for us?
MORAN: no pressure given.
GALINDA: Dont worry, no pressure received
She looks as if she is on the verge of standing up and delivering an impromptu speech.
GALINDA: Right. As you know, my names Galinda
GALINDA: As far as personality goes, Id like to think of myself as an Entertainer
MORAN: wait, you know about the myers-briggs type indicator system?
GALINDA: Hm? Whats that?
MORAN: mbti?
GALINDA: Oooh, yeah I do! Finally someone else who does
MORAN: niiice
GALINDA: I love talking to people, making new friends! Definitely wanna get to know you two, and everyone else here
GALINDA: And todays only the beginning! Well be here for the next 4 yea-
At that instant, the chime of a school bell is heard. The computer and the connected screen immediately begins to start up, which means they won’t be able to talk for much longer.
GALINDA: -oh welp.
GALINDA: Guess thats it, haha
ARWEN: Well looks like we’ve gotta cut our intros short too.
ARWEN: I’m Arwen and he’s Moran.
MORAN: pleased to meet you
GALINDA: Great to get to know you two. Well talk more later, I guess?
ARWEN: When we get the chances.
ARWEN: We’re sitting together for at least this whole semester, anyway. There’ll be many.
GALINDA: Sure thing, Arwen
GALINDA: Man Im so excited to start this thing. Lets all have some fun!
And with that, the now-familiar sound of the classroom computer finishing its boot process plays over the integrated speaker. The clock reads exactly 8.30am, Monday, September 6 2793. The internal fans start their quiet humming, and the display switches on with a flicker of static, then pure white light.
It’s time to begin.